lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2020

Bake, Scrapbook and other things

 First of all, I have MANY hobbies, but I don't have much time to do them :(, but that's not the point of this.

I going to star with a sequence about my priorities, I LOVE baking, that's are one of my favorites thing to do but I've talked about it a lot here, so the next is scrapbooking, the scrapbook is a technique where paper is used like the main actor, is used to create memories so, you can use photos or a old trip tickets, or cinema tickets, whatever you want and make something creative with colors and embellishments to remember some special day. I have a lot of different things and in my 18th birthday my mom bought me as a gift a huge box with different papers and books about that on amazon, that was an amazing gift I've remembered with love.

Other thing's I enjoy a lot, especially in quarantine is watch series and movies on Netflix or different streaming platforms. My favorite tv serie is Breaking Bad (I love Jesse Pinkman, is my favorite character), I found a master piece, the argument, the photography, camera  all of them! I yet can't get over, I am always search for a new fun facts about there. Almost win in my list, Game of Thrones, but it didn't not reach.

The most embarrassing thing i'm willing to admit.

 Of course I had a looooot of embarrassing moment because I'm a person who doesn't mind do stupid thing in public, so maybe my worst embarrassing moments were in mi childhood, and I have in mind one really embarrassment.

I was 8 or 9 years old, because I'm in 3rd grade, and I was going to school by van, like a yellow big car, with my cousin Rodrigo, he lived next to my home in that time so we go together on the same van. I always want to be more "young" so I try to meet older people than me, and in that vehicle was a lot of girls between 13 or 17 years, so I became friends with a girl who was in 7th grade I think, to  or something like that, and she went every Fridays to the Líder (the supermarket next to my school) and buy somenthing to eat and then come back to the school an took the van. That's could happened because Fridays was the day we have to divide in groups and wait for the second round to take the van, so one Thursday she said me: "Ok, tomorrow we will go together to the Líder and we go buy something to eats and the come back", Said yes only to be nice and feel more independence, I guess, really stupid haha. Then, one REALLY rainy Friday, in the morning, I heard my grandma saying: "today we going to peak up Rodrigo at the school at the departure time" and I said "Ok, only Rodrigo don't worry, you can take the van" STUPID, why my grandpas goin to the school to peak up only Rodrigo and not me if we lived almost together?? STUPID again hahah. So, I took some coins of my mom and when the time to go to the supermarket it was right there I didn't even doubt it.

We go with a heavy rain and I has a umbrella but, the girl took my umbrella for herself so I was soaked. Then we bought bread with cheese and ham, that's it hahah I didn't remember if I ate that at some point because my next memories been a little blur, I remember arrived in the school and heard my grandpas crying and asked to everyone if someone had seen me and I was really really ashamed, and of course they grounded me, and always when I remember this story I feel really ashamed and is a uncomfortable moment :(.

By the way the bread with cheese and ham is my favorite thing to eat in "once" hahah.

sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2020

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020

My future job

 Hi, today I going to talk about my job in the future.

 I know I’m studying architecture but my dream is work baking or cooking, because I love do that more than the buildings hahaha so, maybe I could make money on the firsts years being architect, much money to build my own bakery and work on it. Meanwhile I would like travel and discover different flavors or essence to bring that to my bakery and to enrich my own recipes. 

In this moment I’m doing cakes and different sweet things like lemon pie, brownies and littles meringues and my mom take this and she sell that in her job and with this we are be able to raise money and use that in different home things or some gifts for us. But I don’t know if that money reach for keep the home with all the things that requires sooo I have to think about that hahah 

I have been making cakes for 6 years until today, everything I know I learned on YouTube or some books about cakes and really really I want this will be my future job and spend my time doing cakes to make more sweet the life of  Hi, today I going to talk about my job in the future.

 I know I’m studying architecture but my dream is work baking or cooking, because I love do that more than the buildings hahaha so, maybe I could make money on the firsts years being architect, much money to build my own bakery and work on it. Meanwhile I would like travel and discover different flavors or essence to bring that to my bakery and to enrich my own recipes. 

In this moment I’m doing cakes and different sweet things like lemon pie, brownies and littles meringues and my mom take this and she sell that in her job and with this we are be able to raise money and use that in different home things or some gifts for us. But I don’t know if that money reach for keep the home with all the things that requires sooo I have to think about that hahah 

I have been making cakes for 6 years until today, everything I know I learned on YouTube or some books about cakes and really really I want to this will be my future job.

English video

 Hi! go to see my video in this link!

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2020

Two days in Puerto Montt

Hi! it's me, again. Today I have to talk about a really good vacations !

When I was child with my family, we went always to the north of Chile in January for the vacations, the place is called "Cogotí 18" near to Combarbalá in the fourth region, it's a really weird name and it's really far away to de civilization, when are you arriving there you can see just dry hills and a few signs of life (sorry grandpas haha), it was really nice for the family but always was the same place.

Now that I was able to go on vacation alone without my parents or family, I could decide what place to go, and I choose the South of Chile, exactly Puerto Montt, because my grandpa for the side of my dad is truck driver and he could take us for free, the problem it was we have only two days to stay there, but it was free and as we all know the free things are always welcome hahaha. I said "we" because I went with my boyfriend Fernando aka Feña. We arrived on Thursday night and leave on Sunday morning, reeeeeally morning, at 6.00 am. 

So we took a walk around Puerto Montt and then we bought two tours; one went to go to the Llanquihue lake route and the other one to know Chiloe and that was amazing, the nature and the magic of the South was really incredible and I want to come back some day and stay there for more than two days.

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020

My dream in Netherlands

 If I think in one place to know in the world, Netherlands comes to my mind first. I heard a lot of nice things of that country, first of all, we could found more bicycles than people, and I love bicycles and I hate people so that's a really good pro for me haha and in some places you can't enter with car. The culture there is really different than Chile and also the architecture, it is colonial and they had other requirements about the weather, her history about that is really unique. 

I have spoken before about this topic in this blog, and I stay strong with this and the fact is I want to know the Red Light District, is weird. I know, but I want to know how it feel be there in person, either this means a bad choice or a good one.

Netherlands is a really good place to live for me, I love the weather there, I'm a winter person, so the weather is perfect!. Is a really small place and easy to get around, you can go to one side to the other in under 3 hours, just amazing. And they have good education, goo health, a culture of cycling. So if I get money and my mom give me permission, Netherlands is the first country I want to know.

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